藍牙全面開放:iPhone Bluetooth 率先實測 - 手機新聞 - Apple 討論區 - ePrice.HK iPhone的藍牙被人笑係爛牙,原因之一係因為太多限制,只能用係藍牙耳機上。不過,凡事都有可能。好似最近有網友就話,有個新軟件,可以令iPhone藍牙全面開放,傳送檔案和收file都得。我史提芬夫都下載左,發覺呢個iBluetooth
iPhone Bluetooth 耳機疑難排解 - Apple - Support 您有關於 iPhone Bluetooth 耳機的問題?這些疑難排解步驟將顯示可解決您問題的最簡易途徑。在將 iPhone Bluetooth 耳機送修之前,請先執行疑難排解。
Iphone Bluetooth - 相關圖片搜尋結果
How to Set Up Bluetooth on an iPhone | eHow Bluetooth is a wireless technology that has become very popular among heavy mobile and computer users. Bluetooth provides a limited range of wireless connectivity that not ...